Saturday, January 27, 2007

in transit II

between Dahshur and Memphisfruit and vegetable standdate palmsa donkey carta donkey in the shade
(check out the fence/wall)local transportation
[all pictures taken October 2005]


Pyramids of Egypt... as I saw them... (part III)

Dahshurthe Red Pyramid: the first true pyramid
[Sneferu]the way out
(the Red Pyramid)the Bent Pyramid
Unfortunately that was as close as I got to the Bent Pyramid, as it was during Ramadan and everything was shutting down at 3.
[all pictures taken October 2005]

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in transit

between Saqqara and Dahshurtraveling
[taken October 2005]

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Pyramids of Egypt... as I saw them... (part II)

SaqqaraZoser's Funerary ComplexThe Step Pyramidtransportationcrumbling pyramids in the distance
[all pictures taken October 2005]

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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Pyramids of Egypt... as I saw them... (part I)

Gizafront to back: The Queens Pyramids (3), Pyramid of Menkuare, Pyramid of Khafre, Great Pyramid of Khufu
The Pyramid of Khafre and
the Sphinx (Abu al-Hol/Father of Terror)the best way to see them
[all pictures taken September 2005]The Pyramids of Giza beyond Cairo,
seen from the terrace of the Citadel.
(They are there... in the center of the picture,
past - and taller than - the buildings.)
[taken October 2005]

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good memories

Alexandria, Egypt
[September 2005 Megan's camera]

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